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Email Marketing API-Part B

InwiseWebServices API Center

The service enables you to create a new UserQuery.

Rules for creating a query:

  1. groups are optional, but you can't select local and external groups in one query, it's either local groups or one external group
  2. fields can '*' meaning all fields, or email, mobileNumber, registrationDate or custom fields 1 to 30 e.g. field1, field2 etc.
  3. email,mobile and field1 to field20 filters can be a single value or a list of comma separed values. Comparison type can be equal, textLike,notLike
  4. registrationDate and field21 to field 25 filters be a single value or a list of 2 values, which are date ranges between the first value and the second.
    if a range of two dates is set, the comparison type is ignored.
    if only one value is set, possible comparison types are Greater and Lower
  5. recipientId and field26 to field 30 filters can be a single value or a list of comma separated values.
    if a single value is set, possible comparison types are Equal, NotLike, Greater and Lower.
    if a list of values is set, possible comparison types are Equal and NotLike.
* If you don't follow the rules above, the system will throw an exception or use the defaults, which will cause the query to return unexpected results


Name Type Required Description
Id String No The query id, set by inwise when creating a new query
Name String Yes The query unique name, used for display
OwnerType String Yes The owner entity type - the type of the entity you want to set the tag to, such as ContactsGroup, EmailMessage etc.
Description String No A description for the query
QueryData CustomUserQuery Yes The query fields and filters

The service returns the CreateResult

C# Code:

    //list recipients for which field3 is 'green' or 'yellow'
    UserQuery userQuery = new UserQuery();
    userQuery.Name = "My First Sengmenatation";
    userQuery.Description = "list recipients for which field3 is 'green' or 'yellow'";
    var queryParameters = new CustomUserQuery();
    queryParameters.Fields = new string[] { "email", "field1" };
    queryParameters.Filters = new Filter[1];
    queryParameters.Filters[0] = new Filter()
        ColumnName = "field3",
        Comparer = ComparisonType.Equal,
        Values = "blue,green,yellow"

    userQuery.QueryData = queryParameters;
    var createResult = target.Create(userQuery);

Raw Xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
    <SessionIdHeader xmlns="">
    <Create xmlns="">
      <entity xsi:type="UserQuery">
        <AccountId xsi:nil="true" />
          My First Sengmenatation
          list recipients for which field3 is 'green' or 'yellow'
        <Tags xsi:nil="true" />


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
    <CreateResponse xmlns="">

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